Recognizing Bias: Avoiding Ethical Pitfalls in Gender Affirming Care with Families

Collaborative Gender Affirming Care With Families

CE’s Available ($40) with Full Access.

The Gender Health Training Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Gender Health Training Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Course Summary

As clinicians we always have to be on the lookout for the influence of bias. For those of us who work with minorities gender diverse clients and their families, I believe it’s an ethical imperative. Without this important self-of the therapist work, even the most affirming providers are at risk of engaging in harmful micro-aggressions, moving too slow, or maybe even too fast and losing our clients. This is true for us regardless of our own gender identity.

With the current political landscape, our gender diverse clients are even more traumatized and are on the lookout for subtle (and not so subtle) ways bias may influence the questions you ask, how you approach treatment, and what you think is possible for your clients. I’d like to help you uncover the areas where many of us hold biases around gender diversity and the tools needed to address these biases so you can provide affirming culturally-attuned transgender care that will avoid the ethical pitfalls of unacknowledged bias.

We’re going to talk about…

•  The types of bias often present for health care providers working with gender diverse clients and their families
•  The common areas of unrecognized bias in gender affirming care
•  The potential negative and positive bias in your clinical gender affirming work and how to uncover these
•  And tools available for health care providers to help counter and manage them

Learning Objectives

•  Describe the impact of unrecognized bias in gender affirming care
•  List two areas where negative and positive bias can impact your clinical gender affirming work
•  Describe at least one tool available to mental health care providers to counter and manage bias in the therapeutic relationship
•  List the three types of explicit bias that mental health care providers need to be aware of when working with gender diverse clients & their families

Why is this important?

Why is this webinar a must-attend? In our journey as clinicians and allies, understanding and addressing our biases isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential for ethical and effective practice, especially when it comes to supporting gender diverse individuals. This isn’t about ticking boxes or superficial inclusivity; it’s about making real, impactful changes in how we connect with and care for our clients.

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the Community Q&A Forum and 2 CEs

If you want CE credits, you'll need to upgrade to Full Access ($40).
You must pass the Post-Training Test to get a Certificate.
Once you finish the Evaluation and Test, the option for the Certificate download will be available in your dashboard.

Course Curriculum

Shawn V Giammattei, PhD

For those who don’t know me, I am a licensed psychologist in Northern California, a member of the transgender community, and a WPATH certified mentor who is dedicated to helping therapists provide gender affirmative care to transgender, nonbinary, gender-expansive (trans) clients and their families across the life span, and build gender-affirming practices while navigating the quickly changing world of transgender health so that your clients and their families can build stronger connections, live with authenticity, and receive the care they need. 

I have no commercial disclosures or conflicts of interest to report.

The Gender Health Training Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Gender Health Training Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Basic Access


CE's NOT included

  • Video (Webinar Recording)

Full Access (2 CEs)



  • Video (Webinar Recording)
  • Webinar Slides
  • Post-webinar Quiz (required to get CE's)
  • Evaluation (required to get CE's)
  • Certificate (2 CE's)
  • Community Discussion