Helping Families on Gender Journeys: A Developmental Lens

Collaborative Gender Affirming Care With Families

CE’s Available ($40) with Full Access.

The Gender Health Training Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Gender Health Training Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Course Summary

Many clinicians report struggling with how to approach working with gender-diverse youth and their families, especially when caregivers are struggling to understand or possibly accept their child’s gender diversity. Clinicians also report struggling with how to work with couples or relationships where a partner is on a gender journey. Given the current focus on gender-affirming care and the push to restrict its access in many locations, the expanding restrictions around access to bathrooms, athletics, and safe spaces, as well as the limited number of clinicians who feel competent to work with these clients, it is important that all mental health care providers have a basic understanding of the issues at hand and how to collaboratively work with gender diverse people and their families.

All the data on family support show a profound shift toward positive outcomes when a family is supportive. This is true for both youth and adults. Given the importance of family on the overall mental health of our gender-diverse clients, it is imperative that we include them in our work and that we do so in a supportive and healing way. To do so in a gender-affirming and collaborative way, we must understand the gender journeys that families have to navigate in order to fully support their gender-diverse loved ones, which is key to bridging the divide we often experience when they initially seek our services.

This webinar will help providers who work with gender-diverse clients across the lifespan understand the basics of gender affirmative care using a collaborative developmental model for working with transgender, non-binary, gender-expansive children, adolescents, young adults, and their families that is inclusive of the many intersections of identity we all hold.

We’re going to talk about…

•  An overview of Gender Journeys for gender diverse youth and adults
•  The 6 phases of the developmental Gender Journey for families
•  The unique challenges for parents and partners in the initial phases
•  Intersections of gender minority stress
•  Tools to address family ruptures

Learning Objectives

•  List the 6 phases of the family gender journey
•  Describe the impact of grief for families on a gender journey
•  Identify the impact of both the differences and similarities of family member’s gender journeys as compared to their gender diverse loved ones
•  Identify and address the impact of gender minority stress, trauma, and media messages on families

Why is this important?

This webinar is the 2nd in a series of monthly trainings I will be offering on working with families, partners, caregivers of gender diverse people to help us better serve our transgender, non-binary, & gender diverse clients.

Upgrade and Get Full Access to
the Community Q&A Forum and 2 CEs

If you want CE credits, you'll need to upgrade to Full Access ($40).
You must pass the Post-Training Test to get a Certificate.
Once you finish the Evaluation and Test, the option for the Certificate download will be available in your dashboard.

Course Curriculum

Shawn V Giammattei, PhD

For those who don’t know me, I am a licensed psychologist in Northern California, a member of the transgender community, and a WPATH certified mentor who is dedicated to helping therapists provide gender affirmative care to transgender, nonbinary, gender-expansive (trans) clients and their families across the life span, and build gender-affirming practices while navigating the quickly changing world of transgender health so that your clients and their families can build stronger connections, live with authenticity, and receive the care they need. 

I have no commercial disclosures or conflicts of interest to report.

The Gender Health Training Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Gender Health Training Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

Basic Access


CE's NOT included

  • Video (Webinar Recording)

Full Access (2 CEs)



  • Video (Webinar Recording)
  • Webinar Slides
  • Post-webinar Quiz (required to get CE's)
  • Evaluation (required to get CE's)
  • Certificate (2 CE's)
  • Community Discussion