Many clinicians report struggling with how to approach working with gender diverse youth and their families, especially when caregivers are struggling to understand or possibly accept their child’s gender diversity. Given the current focus on gender affirming care, the push to restrict it’s access in many locations, and the limited number of clinicians who feel competent to work with these clients, it is important that all mental health care providers have a basic understanding of the issues at hand and how to collaboratively work with these youth and their families.
Gender diverse youth and their families are currently experiencing great difficulty finding competent clinicians who are well-versed in the skills needed to help them. They are confused by all the conflicting information as are the clinicians trying to support them. The result is less access to care and an increase in minority stress that is shown to negatively impact physical and mental health, as well as overall well-being and success in life.
All the data on family support show a profound shift toward positive outcomes when their family is supportive. Given the importance of family on the overall mental health of gender diverse clients, it is imperative that we include them in our work and that we do so in a supportive and healing way.If you work with gender diverse people or their families, or like may clinicians, your client comes out to you after you’ve already established a relationship, it is imperative to know how to work with the family system surrounding your client.
• An Overview of Gender Diversity & Language
• The Gender Affirmative Model Gender Incongruence, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Noise, and Gender Joy/Euphoria
• Gender Affirmative Therapist Competencies with youth and families
• The impact and experience of gender minority stress
• Gender journeys through a developmental lens
• Myths, misconceptions, and the impact of gatekeeping care.
• List at least 4 tenets of the Gender Affirmative Model and contrast these with other proposed models of care
• Describe the experience of gender dysphoria, gender noise, and gender joy/euphoria
• Identify the differences and similarities of gender journeys for gender diverse youth as compared to their families and how this impacts treatment.
• List the treatment options accessible to youth
• Develop a collaborative approach to identify and address the impact of minority stress, trauma, and media messages on gender diverse youth and their families
This webinar is a first in a series that will help providers who work with gender diverse clients across the lifespan understand the basics of gender affirmative care using a collaborative developmental model for working with transgender, non-binary, gender expansive children, adolescents, young adults and their families that is inclusive of the many intersections of identity we all hold. The presentation will include case examples and experiential exercises.
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The Gender Health Training Institute is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.
Gender Health Training Institute maintains responsibility for this program and its content.